Monday, October 10, 2011

My daughter, My friend...

So, this last week or two has shown me a few things. One, my little girl is growing into quite the young lady. Two, she is quickly becoming one of my heroes.
When she was in 6th grade, Julie joined the beginner band, and at the parent's meeting, one of the parents said, if your child is shy, this is the best place they can be. It will cure their shyness. My first thought was 'yeah, right'. My child gave new meaning to the word shy, so of course I thought this was something to laugh about and she would sooo prove this parent wrong and I could almost put money on it. Boy was I glad I didn't!! She was sooo right!! I have never seen such a transformation take place in a child as I have in Julie. She has gone from shy, inward little girl, to talkative, somewhat hyper and active young lady almost overnight. Talk about change. She broke through that shell so fast it was unreal. And she has loved being in the band. I couldn't have asked for a better extracurricular activity for her. And now, her after high school dream? She wants to go to the University of Alabama and be in the Million Dollar Band! Reach for the stars baby girl!! You can do it!!

Anyway, over the past few weeks, to make a long story short, we have been involved in some teenage drama, and Julie has shown more self control than most adults would show in a situation like this and I couldn't be more proud to be her mother. She has handled things so well and the love I had for her before has quadrupled. We are starting to talk more and I never realized how grown up she is and what a great young lady she is becoming. She continues to amaze me each and every day. Yes, we still have our little spats, because she has the typical 14 year old smart mouth from time to time, but that's to be expected.

My daughter is my friend, my friend is my daughter and I love them both more than life itself.

Until next time.....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Faded Memories

I turned 40 two months ago..and in that time I have realized that, ba ba ba bum, are you ready for this? I'm not getting any younger!! The older I get the less I remember and that makes me so very sad. When my kids were little, I used to relish in the things they did, the funny antics, the mispronounced words, all of it. And I would think, "How could I possibly forget this?" But, guess what? Unless I wrote it down or took a picture or video for posterity, it is GONE!!! I hate that. But, what is it they (whoever they are) say, the memory is the first to go? Kinda makes one wonder what's the second....

So, with that in mind, maybe I can do this blog, if for nothing else to remember the little things that each day brings. Write them down and then hopefully not lose them to a computer crash or anything like that.